The GLOW Foundation
Pre-Req to Glow Formula
What the spiritual world isn’t telling you about self-image
This 2-hour workshop recording is the pre-requisite to Glow Formula! You’ll learn the Source truth, Universal Laws and neuroscience & energetic tools behind making massive upgrades in your self-esteem and self-image.
Discover the Source TRUTH of all the value you bring to ALL areas of your life just because you are EXACTLY who you are meant to be… inherently PERFECT and just WATCH how it upgrades everything in your life.
Self-image mastery by Alexandra… featured in
Are We Entering a 'Notox' Era?
You may be thinking: “Self-image healing is cool and all…but what I really want to do is manifest!”
What if I told you from the perspective of Source.. self-image is the key to anything you desire to create in life.
And not to mention self-image not being up to par with where your higher self wants it... is the ONLY (yes I said only) reason you have obstacles.
Self-image is the foundational thing that I have started myself, every single client, and student on over the years...
This is one of the things you cannot NOT have in the world.
It’s one of the most important things for relationships, business, jobs, success, money, ultimate health… essentially anything you could want that takes recognition from others to get there.
The Source definition of self image:
How we see ourselves and how we perceive other people to see us…
This topic is something in the spiritual world that gets thrown around.
One of the things in this physical world that we need in order to accomplish whatever our soul pull (desire) is, is recognition.
We can’t get around recognition - it is an important aspect of being in the physical world.
For example: If you’re dating and you’re trying to find a partner and you don’t have recognition written in your creator field - you won’t manifest a partner who recognizes your value, incredible qualities, and beauty.
Same in the business and/or job world.
People don’t realize they aren’t getting jobs and they aren’t getting opportunities or more money because their creator field is lacking emotional ingredients of recognition.
We have these light bodies that are outside of and responsible for our physical bodies, and they are broadcasting very specific instructions to the matter around us down to a subatomic particle.
This translates to all situations, all circumstances, all events. How people treat us and act toward us is controlled by these complex light body creator fields.
And our creator field is one big concoction of our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions on a daily basis.
The creator field is even more complex than our physical bodies.
Our outside circumstances and interactions with other people are controlled by our creator fields.
Essentially, in short, we write the script in our creator fields by however we are thinking, feeling, being, and acting towards ourself.
The people we encounter, all events, circumstances, and situations will basically act out our own script that’s been programmed into our creator field back to us.
So if we aren’t seeing our value in one or more of the 8 areas of life - other people won’t see your value in relationships, in whatever you’re selling, in whatever promotion you want, in committing to you, in paying you more, in wanting to provide for you, in wanting you to be the parent of their child.. and the list goes on.
Your key to the universe is essentially Olympic athlete level of control over your creator field and what’s getting programmed into it.
And funny enough… the more you train your brain and energy to not criticize yourself... the more your physical looks start to massively upgrade as a result. Think about it.. because of the universal source energetic law of focus.. what we focus on.. we get more of.
If we’re constantly focused on “not good enough” “I need to be better” and constant critiquing… we will manifest more things even on our physical body that now also “need to be better.”
And not to mention.. any face wrinkle ever is a physical manifestation of your worry in some way about how you’re being perceived by others.
Heal your self image... say bye bye to face wrinkles... with what I like to call... ENERGETIC BOTOX.
Here are just SOME of my physical results from energetic botox REVERSING wrinkles around my eyes…
And other people NOTICE too. Check out the DMs I’ve gotten from our community…
Play me! Sounds on 📢 "How snatched your f*cking face is, it literally looks like you had a facelift that's how tight your skin is"
Boob Job Results
*& there are no push up bras in the after pictures*
Energetic boob jobs will take place at the END of the course 12+ week Glow Formula Course, but these foundations are your pre-req!
A common question…
Can anything happen that’s not written in our creator field?
The Source answer: NO
It’s impossible to manifest without the correct creator field emotional ingredients.
Now knowing this…
I want to get you the foundational steps to upgrading one of the most important pillars of our lives…
Which is self image.
This is why I have decided to open up
The pre requisite foundational steps before diving into my advanced 12+ week program The Glow Formula.
Outcomes that people have received from topics that will be discussed in The Glow Foundation
When we are desiring certain things in life and we don’t have the right set and combinations of emotions, thoughts, and actions to attain those things... we get obstacles. And the only reason we get obstacles is because somewhere somehow we aren’t emotionally connected our full potential.
In the spiritual world... the statement “full potential” gets thrown around.. A LOT. Almost to the point where I don’t want to say it HAHA. However.. It is one thing to have knowledge and know your potential.
A lot of people can attain knowledge. What sets apart what we do here is that you need to embody and how all the knowledge you know and will gain more of on your full soul’s potential can be EMOTIONALLY connected to and integrate into your actions on a daily basis. THERE’S A DIFFERENCE from seeing your full potential.. and being emotionally connected to your full potential.
One of the key ingredients to having people find out about you who are a key link to the success you’re desiring (whether it’s a bigger brand/business, a job promotion, more people finding out about you who want to pay you, or your dream partner finding out about you) is one of the main things we will be diving into and upgrading your creator field around inside of the workshop.
Bring in dependable, supportive, and trustworthy people in every area and aspect of life. Cultivate daily interactions that make you feel loved and valued.
Manifest weight loss, reverse signs of aging & wrinkles (YES.. it’s possible), clear up your skin from acne, heal sickness and disease, and get a body you’re proud of. So you feel confident, powerful, and energized every day.
This will be the FOUNDATIONAL steps of these things... the advanced steps come inside of The Glow Formula 12 week program... but you can’t get to those until you understand the foundational steps anyway
REMEMBER.. you will receive the FOUNDATIONAL steps to all of these. Which is required to know and embody before getting into the ADVANCED levels inside of The Glow Formula 12+ week program.