Get Recognized As The Best And Earn More
This LIFETIME ACCESS 2- hour workshop recording is not only the pre-requisite to the Career Formula, but where you’ll receive the foundational steps on programming your Creator Field to get recognized as the best, stand out in the career you love, and earn more
She went from no business + no direction to MULTIPLE 6-figures in only TWO years...
Do you ever feel like you’re just BLOCKED from getting to that next financial goal you have in your career?
Whatever you try, you aren’t getting that recognition from your boss or clients?
You feel stuck…
because you’re the hardest worker you know and yet you still don’t seem to be noticed, appreciated, or sought out.
You’re confused because people who have half your talent, who try half as hard as you, seem to be getting recognized, praised, standing out, and making more money than you.
I get it.
But it’s not your fault.
We aren’t taught the tools necessary to create shifts in our Creator Field that allow us to be seen as the best at what we do, and create big financial gain because of it.
This IS NOT a typical business course.
This IS NOT me teaching you what worked for me…
This IS The Source Truth behind how to truly get what you want on a career and financial level. Yes, this is what worked for me but because I learned the Source way and followed it, not because I made it up.
The problem you may have run into with other business related courses.. is if the person is not reading into Source truth.. they are teaching you what worked for them. Which is great for them..
but what worked for them may not work for you.
There’s no human made one-size-fits-all way of doing something…
What you’ll be learning here is THE SOURCE WAY…
And the Universal laws you need to know to hack the system into getting the results you’ve been looking for.
I decided the past 4 years to be a total guinea pig for the Source way…
To gain LIFETIME access
I want to introduce to you the Source truth of
How to get recognized as the best and earn more
…along with using Universal laws to expedite your success even more. Because this process comes straight from Source and Universal Laws, this applies to everyone who, well... exists in the Universe. So unlike other ways of humans showing the human way of what worked for them…
…This is the Source Knowledge that can be applied to and work for everyone.
I’ve never gone to college, taken a business course, and wasn’t very “book smart”.
I used my intuition
to ask a lot of questions and find the Source way, and I can say from my own experience and experience of many mentorship students…it has WORKED.
This 2-hour workshop recording is for people ready to be seen as the best in their space + become an authority in their profession.
In The Career Advantage Workshop, I teach you specific tools, Universal laws + ingredients that you can plug into your Creator Field to shift this… and hold those shifts for good.
This workshop serves as your PRE-REQUISITE for a much LARGER + intensive career course: The Career Formula, that’s be taught by both myself and COO Sarah
This workshop is a requirement first!
Whether you’re…
in traditional employment, self-employment, or entrepreneurship…this workshop is designed for those who desire to make more money as a result of becoming the best in their career and create a career that is the most fulfilling.
This isn’t for the faint of heart.
We’re about to set the foundation for massive reprogramming in your Creator Field that will create the outcomes you’ve been daydreaming of in your career.
Great question.. I’m glad you asked ;)
We have these light bodies that are outside of and responsible for our physical bodies and they are broadcasting very specific instructions to the matter around us down to a subatomic particle.
This translates to all situations, all circumstances, all events, and how people are treating us and acting towards us. They are controlled by these complex light body Creator Fields.
Because of the Universal Source Energetic Law of Focus...
If we’re constantly focused on “not good enough”, “I need to be better” and constant critiquing.. we will manifest more people and circumstances acting out that very same thought back to us.
People not buying what you’re selling because they feel “it’s not good enough” (even if it’s the best thing since sliced bread)
Not getting the promotion you’ve been dreaming of because people think “you need to be better”
Or it could even look like never getting that “big break” or opportunity that everyone on social media seems to be getting.
Our Creator Field is one big concoction
of our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions on a daily basis.
The Creator Field is even more complex than our physical bodies.
Our outside circumstances and interactions with other people are controlled by our Creator Fields. Essentially, in short…
We write the script in our Creator Fields by however we are thinking, feeling, being, and acting towards ourself.
The people we encounter, all events, circumstances, and situations will basically act out our script that’s been programmed into our Creator Field back to us.
So if we aren’t seeing our value in one or more of the 8 areas of life - other people won’t see your value in whatever your selling, in whatever promotion you want, in paying you more, in buying what you’re selling.. and the list goes on.
Your key to the Universe
…is essentially having Olympic athlete level of control over your Creator Field and what’s getting programmed into it.
✗ NO
You’re not ready to take radical responsibility for where you’re at in life
You don’t have the desire to be seen as the best with what you do for work
Massive career & financial growth isn’t important to you
You don’t have the desire to take action and implement what you’ll learn
You’re ready to own your power and be seen as the best in your industry or career field.
You desire massive growth—professionally, financially, and personally—and know you’re capable of more.
You’re ready to step into your authority, whether you're leading a team, scaling a business, or climbing the corporate ladder.
To gain LIFETIME access

Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Visionaries, Self-Employed, and CEOs…
You run the show.
And at the head of any business…
The Visionary needs to make sure their Creator Field is right to bring in the best team members to help them scale, get in front of your aligned audience,
be seen as the BEST in your industry,
and make large amounts of money.
It starts with you.
Employees, High-Level Professionals, Corporate Girlies, or Anyone Desiring to Climb the Ladder in Career…
Even though you may not feel like it,
You have total control over your career success (not your CEO).
This workshop will help you implement the right tools to
in your skillset, be top of mind for promotions/raises, get recognition from your team, and create more EASE in your day-to-day role.
That’s why I created the CAREER ADVANTAGE workshop with you in mind…
To gain LIFETIME access
A Recap of Team Alexandra Ninfo the last 8 months:
547% growth from 2023 to 2024
251.3% growth from Q1 to Q2 in 2024
79.1% growth from Q2 to Q3 in 2024
This year, we’ve experienced over 609% growth compared to last year (2023). We went from making about
$40K/mo to 6 figures/mo
every month the last 5 months.
In 2024, the company has made over $1M (our first time in history of me creating our LLC that we’ve already made over $1M in less than a year).
It took A LOT to get here…A LOT of trial and error…A LOT of confusion
But I have cracked the code and now you can do it faster than I ever did.
What I’ve learned the last 4+ years in business to get here, I’m teaching you and condensing the foundational must-know steps into a pre-req workshop that’s 2 hours. You’ll learn the foundations I took to get there.
Fixing my Creator Field around career allowed me to:
Find the best COO that hit every attribute on my desired attribute list of over 125 things I desired for my literal DREAM COO. COO Sarah queen checks ALL the boxes and more.
Recruit the most highly-skilled, loyal + passionate team I could imagine. The team Allie queens are ELITE.
Hit our first $1M in less than 12 months
Build a community of raving fans and clients of over 145,000 people - paying
Be easily seen.. for example, multiple producers reaching out to make a tv show about me and the work I do
Have reached millions of people online
Decrease my weekly working hours from over 50 to under 25
Remove myself from over 80% of the work I was previously doing… while making more money than I ever did before
Be seen as an authority in my space.. for example, a ghost writer who’s sold over 1M copies of books reaching out to me asking to ghost write a book with me
Get INCREDIBLE testimonials from besties who’s lives we’re changing
Get told by students on a daily basis I’m “the best teacher they’ve ever learned from” and that I’m “better than very well-known spiritual teachers”