Drop the energetic weight holding you back from the life you desire.
Where you’ll learn to become a master of leveraging the powerful combination of intuition, neuroscience, and the laws of the universe to unleash a whole new way of thinking, being, and living.
It’s a place where you’ll finally start to unf*ck yourself and begin accessing your soul’s greatest potential and a place where you’ll learn the (not so secrets) of achieving success in all areas of life.
I want to offer you the opportunity to open a world of limitless possibilities.
Unf*ck Yourself Academy
Full Course Now Available in Podcast Form
Are you “stuck” and have no f*cking clue what to do about it?
Every day feels the same like you're stuck in a loop.
You wake up and go through the motions, feeling the same emotions, hoping for something to change…
But nothing ever does.
Or, even when things do change (like starting a new relationship, getting a new job or making more money) – it doesn't last.
Eventually, those familiar feelings start to creep back in.
It's like living a constant Groundhog Day.
Deep down, you know there's so much more potential within you, which makes the situation even more frustrating.
It’s the worst feeling…
Especially when you’re so hyper aware of what’s off in your life and what doesn’t feel right…
You’re paralyzed and confused about what the f*ck to do about it.
It’s like your brain is a hamster on a wheel, constantly having thoughts like:
How do I shift my reality?
Why does everyone else seem to have their sh*t together,
but I’m stuck in this never-ending loop?
How do I manifest abundance and get rid of this imposter syndrome?
I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been there many times.
But I want you to take a second and consider the following ↓
Master your reality.
Life throws curveballs, but you?
You'll get the tools to handle anything and come out on top, always. Gain the assurance that YOU hold the keys to overcoming any challenge life presents.
Unlock Your Unique Genius
Shed societal expectations, tap into your authentic desires, and amplify your innate talents to unleash moments of true genius.
Ditch the struggle bus...
You can dismantle years of damaging beliefs and limitations and save yourself years of precious time and energy in creating a reality you desire to feel, live, and be.
Boost your confidence
You can dismantle years of damaging beliefs and limitations and save yourself years of precious time and energy in creating a reality you desire to feel, live, and be.
Unf*ck Yourself Academy
will actually change your life.
Listen to Mikaela’s story of overcoming adversity, boosting self-love, and the significant step of moving away from antidepressants. If you're seeking a sign to make a change, UYA is for you!

Get rid of “Why is this always happening to me?”
When sh*t hits the fan in our lives, it’s so easy to feel like the “universe is conspiring against us” but what’s actually going on is your higher self is working 24/7 to help you get want you want as quickly as possible.
We just have to learn the language of our higher self and how to use these situations to massively benefit us instead of be a detriment to us.
Become everyone’s favorite person and magnetic AF.
People aren't actually mean at their core. They just mirror back to us what we are already doing to ourselves. Learn how to make the internal shifts within yourself to get people to constantly adore you, love you, and value you in all areas of life.
Shave years off of hitting your goals.
Get introduced to how to connect to your soul innate gifts that when connecting to them will allow you to jump timelines into creating your ultimate desires.
Make happiness your new normal.
Gain the tools to see the perfection of your life through the lens of Source and your Higher Self. Know at all times what your heart is telling you is right for you, and how to act on your heart-led intuition confidently – free and clear of the opinions of others
If there’s one thing I don’t do, it’s f*ck around.
And by that I mean I don’t buy into any beliefs or thoughts telling me I can’t have or feel what I deeply know my soul is able to sustain.
Not f*cking around is also:
Having tenacity and stamina – always holding and knowing you can have whatever it is you desire on a soul level, even if it looks like it’s not working.
Dropping the victim mentality – taking radical responsibility for your life. Doing the inner work & taking the physical action for any ideal, outcome, and reality you’d like.
Access + Phases
Each module of the program has been pre-recorded and is accessed in a student-only portal.
Each module is paired with energy shifting and neuroscientific reprogramming journal prompts.
Modules are released weekly and include all pre-course work that you’ll complete before jumping in.
You get LIFETIME access to the full program. This includes lifetime access to the UYA community and soul family who are in the program with you.
You’ll also receive:
Bonus Module: Body Talk – Heal the Body
Where we dive into every ailment, disease, and body part we can think of and get down to the emotional root cause of why it physically manifested in the first place. Once the emotional root cause is found - we dive in on a step by step process to healing it and releasing it from the physical body.
An Unf*ck Yourself sweatshirt
(when you enroll and choose to pay in full)Lifetime access to the full program and all future upgrades and additions.
The relationships made inside of the UYA community are a crucial part of your growth, and the accountability you gain is priceless.
Course Value: $22,000
Your Investment: $3,998
24 Modules and Counting – NEW Modules are added with each wave of the Unf*ck Yourself Academy.
Plus, you’ll receive LIFETIME access to the course – including all future updates and ongoing access to the UYA Community where you’ll have an incredible support system and Soul Family.
Register today for
Unf*ck Yourself Academy
and gain instant access to Module 1!
One-time payment of $3,998
(with $50 interest)
Two payments of $2,050
(with $50 interest)
Eight payments of $550
(with $50 interest)
Four payments of $1,050
(with $50 interest)
Thirteen payments of $356